Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Irony Behind Valuing Property
Jacobs reminds her readers numerous times that slaves were the property of slaveholders. Slaves were seen as any other piece of property that a master or mistress could do whatever they wanted with because they owned that slave. However, Jacobs provides several examples of how slaveholders mistreated and abused their slaves, flogging them relentlessly if they tried to steal food or even putting a gun to their head if they tried to run away from the plantation. But if slaves were regarded as property, like any other cow or pig that the slaveholder owned, why then would they treat them in such a way? Would a master whip or beat a cow for wandering too far into the fields? Would they put a gun to the pig's head if they started nibbling on something they weren't supposed to? This just makes no sense to me. These slaveholders treated their "property" in such a desctructive way, without a care about whether the slave died or not. Even the most valuable slaves received the death penalty for behaving unaccordingly, no matter how good of a worker they were. It makes no sense that slaveholders wouldn't take care of something they "owned."
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Overall Thoughts on Book
God's Faithfulness.
Linda's Daughter
I think that Linda’s whole life was about sacrifice. She sacrificed her freedom in order to escape safely; she sacrificed her innocence to become pregnant and regain her identity; and she sacrificed time with her child in order that her daughter have a better life in a better school. I believe that it all culminated to this point. She was free now, and her daughter had the options that she did not. This is so beautiful to me. When her daughter went to boarding school, I was excited and sad at the same time. I was sad because her daughter was not with her and she was alone, but I was excited because her daughter would be given a better life with a better future. And when her expenses were lessened because of her mother’s status, I felt like everything had come full circle. Instead of running because of her status, Linda was able to be proud that her daughter was going to have a great education, and she was going to pay less because Linda was brave and would not stand to just be a slave. This was one of the most beautiful parts of the book to me because I felt that, finally, Linda could be proud of herself and her family, and she could use her past to create a better future for those just like her.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Crux of the message of Harriet Jacobs "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl"
"Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Super added to the burden common to all, they have wrongs and sufferings and mortification's peculiarly their own."
The biggest obstacle that Jacobs had to triumph over in her life involved Dr. Flint and his merciless, undesirable sexual molestation of her. Jacobs' narrative centers on the sexual debasement that she as well as many other women slaves had to bear.
She is saying that whether of not they are whipped, starved or worked to death, all female slaves suffer the horrible mental anguish of rape and sexual harassment, as well as the loss of their children. The shame for young girls and women who have been sexually victimized by white men were as difficult to bear as any kind of physical torment and torture, and perhaps even more so. Her message is that the slavery of the American South was a true God and to the human beings that He made....All of them.
Motifs and Symbolism in "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl"
In the slave narrative, there is an element included that is there to add excitement to the story. To drive home the plight of the slave, the story of the escape to the North is an important element. The trek to the North is fraught with hardships and narrow escapes. Clearly, Jacobs crosses mental and physical boundaries as she makes her escape from the plantation belonging to Nicholas Flint, the son of Dr. Flint. As Jacobs makes her escape to the North, she crosses many emotional and literal boundaries before her narrative ends.
Another recurring motif closely associated with the tale of escape is one of deception and disguise. When Jacobs pretends that she cannot read and does not understand Dr. Flint's notes, her pretended ignorance in its own way is an attempt to deceive. Later, Jacobs disguises herself as a sailor and then slips into the attic of her grandmother's shed. Eventually she makes her escape to the North. To do this, she once again uses a disguise and subterfuge to get away. Later, a white friend of Jacobs endangers her own child so that Jacobs can have the guise of being a slave caretaker of the child and is thus able to escape.
One of the most common motif's of a slave narrative is violence. Jacobs uses it when she recounts one of her earliest memories of Dr. Flint as he savagely beat one of his plantation slaves. She tells of seeing the blood and gore on the walls the next morning. She tells stories of slaves who were washed with brine after being beaten to torture them, and of slaves frozen, burned or whipped to death. These are just a few of the accounts of violence that Jacobs intersperses throughout her book.
Another recurring motif of the slave narrative is seen in "the exchange of money" that is threaded throughout the story. We can see it in the tale of Jacobs' grandmother as she loans her mistress $300 that she was saving to buy the freedom of her children. The money was never repaid. Jacobs' own freedom was bought by her close abolitionist friend. This was possible because of the greediness of Emily Flint's husband. The bottom line is this: Money was the big motivation for slavery. Large scale farming was the backbone of the economy of the South. A large, cheap work force was needed to produce this product. The Southern solution for years had been slavery. Without it there was a real fear of economic devastation.
Using that for comparison, how does the justification for the growing of coca and marijuana for the manufacture of Cocaine and other drugs in Columbia compare with the justification of southern plantation owners for the ownership of slaves? What is the bottom line? Is the motivation for both the
Symbolism is prolific throughout the slave narrative. Bloodhounds symbolize The Fugitive Slave Act and the hunters who carry it out. They are like bloodhounds, sniffing out the trails of the runaway slaves. Another strong symbol common in the slave narrative is the symbol of snakes. Snakes can stand for either life or death in the slave narrative. In Jacobs' "Incidents" snakes markedly appear on her escape to the North. As she sheds her old slave self, she is reborn....just like a snake sheds its skin. Still, the escape to freedom is fraught with danger and snakes are a reminder that death is never very far away.
Other Prevailing Themes in the Slave Narrative Seen in "Incidents"
The infidelity and rapes that the institution of slavery encourages is painful to both. For the slave woman, it is an unwanted assault to her body. The mental anguish of rape and the unwarranted guilt that accompanies it is sometimes never overcome. For the white woman, it is the shame and sorrow that her husband would turn to another. No matter how wrong the assumption, it makes a woman feel as if she isn't enough. Somehow she feels as though she has failed her husband and herself. She is bound to her husband as surely as the female slave is bound to him. To deal with this, most turn their anger and low self-worth towards the slave woman. She takes out her angst and feelings of being powerless against the poor slave.
Jacobs also speaks of the detrimental affects of slavery for the men, white and black. She tells of instances where the white slave owner would have been a better man, if not for slavery. The pain of his wife would also have been nonexistent. The black man, also is emasculated by having to sneak out of his cabin so that the master can come in and have sex with the slave's own wife. There is nothing he can say or do without fear of brutal reprisal...not only to himself, but also to his wife and possibly other members of his family.
Another theme found in "Incidents" is the theme that "People often fail to recognize it when their moral choices are in conflict with the religion or philosophy they propose to uphold." Examples of this run throughout the book. Jacobs recalls how the pious Mrs. Flint was too delicate to do any work, but was fully capable of seeing someone beat until they bled, without a flinch. She also recounts seeing Mrs. Flint spit into each container of food if Sunday dinner was late. This was to keep the slaves from having anything to eat that night.
One of the most important elements in the slave narrative is a repeated theme in "Incidents." It is the theme that "A Focus on Education is an Important Key to Freedom." Even when Jacobs was hurt and angry at her mistress for not freeing Jacobs upon her death, she still spoke of being "thankful" to her mistress for teaching her to read and write. Jacobs also tells of trying to hide her ability to read and write from the vile Dr. Flint, as he is trying to use her 'gift' to demoralize and corrupt her. Still, she is ever thankful for the ability. It allows her to write to Dr. Flint and mislead him into thinking that she is in the North, when she actually is right down the street from him. Jacobs credits this ability as a real gift and thinks of it that way throughout her narrative.
What other themes can be seen in "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl?" Can you see other themes that are known to be a part of the slave narrative in her story?
"Incidents": Written in the Style of the 'Domestic Novel'
In an attempt to jump on the bandwagon of interest created by Beecher's novel, Jacobs used many of the literary contrivances of domestic fiction to draw the same audiences who were so taken with "Uncle Tom's Cabin": white female Northerners. Jacobs refuses, however to adopt the promotion of "true womanhood" that required that women be pure, submissive, modest and humble. She explains this by reiterating many times that "it is not possible for a black slave woman to maintain her chastity and virtue."
Something that Jacobs does take from the Domestic Novel genre and is prolific throughout "Incidents" are the themes of family loyalty, a sense of community and the strong instinct of motherhood. You see it potently portrayed, especially during times of extreme hardship. Jacob's relays the dread of New Year's Day (also known as hiring day to the slaves)for the slave mothers on page 16 of the book.
She says, "One of these sale days, I saw a mother lead seven children to the auction-block. She knew that some of them would be taken from her; but they took all. The children were sold to a slave-trader, and their mother was owned by a man in her own town. Before night her children were all far away. She begged the trader to tell her where he intended to take them; this he refused to do. How could he, when he knew he would sell them, one by one, wherever he could command the highest price? I met the mother in the street, and her wild, haggard face lives to-day in my mind. She wrong her hands in anguish,and exclaimed, 'Gone! All gone! Why don't God kill me?' I had no words wherewith to comfort her. Instances of this kind are of daily, yea, hourly occurrence."
She goes on to tell of her youngest brother being sold, and her fear that her own children would suffer the same consequences. This same fear prompted her to pretend to run away and instead hide in the attic of her mother's shed for seven years. She was permanently injured because of her incarceration. Do you think she really thought it through having children, with the knowledge that the vile Dr.Flint could use them against her? She was young and convinced herself that he would let her go, but in her heart, do you think this rung true for her?
Other Aspects of a Slave Narrative found in "Incidents"
Pro-slave writers tried to discredit these autobiographical slave narratives by saying that it was impossible for the stories to be written by slaves because a slave could neither read nor write. This led to the need for another element to be included in the slave narrative; that of a sort of justification. An explanation of how/why the slave had become educated enough to relay their own experiences themselves in print. Jacobs does this in the Preface and in chapter one of "Incidents" when she explains that after her mother died, her mistress took her in and treated her with kindness. She taught her to read, write and sew. Jacobs also explained that she never really knew that she was a slave until her mother died when she was six, and was not really treated as a slave until her mistress died when Jacobs was 12.
Not only did the write of the slave narrative have to "explain" how it was that he/she could read and write; they also had to have a "white" benefactor to attest to the truth of the claim. The "editor" did this in the Introduction of the book.
Do you think that this was really necessary for anyone to believe the stories? Were the majority of the people in the North so gullible as to believe that the stories were made up by the abolitionists? Of course, the Southern slave owners try to pooh pooh the mistreatment of slaves away, but surely the people of the North knew better than that. It is the same question we ask of the German people during the Holocaust. "Were you really so blind?"
Perhaps they were. Maybe they are just like we humans tend to be today. If something doesn't touch us personally, we tend to ignore it until it is put in our face. Do you think that is what was going on then?